To create a place to stand reflecting your commitment to being spiritual in your life. Spiritual formation. Being at cause THAT ALL IS WELL NO LEFTOVER PAST. The Context for your actions to be based on three basic values: Faith, Hope, and
My ministerial mission is to offer practical spirituality, to offer mystical attunements that you can put into action in your life here and now. It is necessary to be awake, alert, aware to take on the challenges of life. Otherwise, they take you on. You lose power. You lose self respect. You lose self love. And you can only provide what you carry. There are actions to take. Engage with the world but on your own terms. Do you know every glove thrown down, every argument put forth every opinion loudly spoken is not your concern until you choose it?
A happens. You do C because of B.
Insult. Intrigue. Being a Meaning making machine. A human on automatic pilot.
You are at Cause because you allow the energy in. You choose where to engage. Weave the changes YOU want into your life, day by day. Observe where you lose your power.
Standing in Faith.
Offering your consciousness to the Highest coming from the context that "all is well".
Declaring your truths.
Demonstrating your truths.
Focusing on the good, the just, the holy.
Being with your experience of wellness.
Standing in Hope.
There is more in Life to come.
There are MORE opportunities to step up. New friendships around the corner.
Look up to the starts to dwell on the beauty of the Universe God provides us for free. Look to nature. Enjoy.
Standing in Love.
When the experience and the feelings of love seem to disappear, you can restore love through acts of forgiveness of yourself and others. A spiritual human being is capable of not just romance but forgiveness of those s/he loves. Release of expectations, acceptance of personality quirks and appreciation for our differences. In the act of forgiveness, we are forced to experience the humbling process of 'dismantling'. With the willingness to forgive we are obliged to see events or people or events differently. We open ourselves up to allow the divine light of our being and theirs to open up and enter our hearts. We build a muscle to take responsibility for any part we play in creating discordant events or false expectations or any other opportunity where we experience loss of personal power. Sometimes we falsely forgive - out of pity or obligation or making deals to maintain an emotional status quo. Sometimes we deny we are hurt and sometimes we justify others for hurt they have caused us. There is an underlying resignation or even self flagellation - I can handle it. I will offer up my suffering. A lack of self love? Choose courage over bravado. Speak your truth. Allow in your Light to transmute the experience. Integration of your access to Spirit in these moments uplifts you and the transgressor.
Allow your heart centre to lead the way. Lay down brick by brick a pathway to raise your spiritual awareness, your spiritual wellness. In forgiveness, the fuel is compassion, self love and the love of others. You have dropped your shield. You have sheathed your sword. You have now offered to be engaged with that other being's life. There is an energy exchange. Truth and authenticity expressed can do nothing but grow the persons involved.
As we forgive others we are opening up the wound that triggered the reaction where we lost power. Placing our awareness upon the reaction and shedding light on it, we honor our sacred being. We heal as we experience atonement - at-one-ment. When we forgive we become closer to our Divine Spirit. We are demonstrating and expanding our Christ consciousness.
Forgiveness. Asking our mind in consort with our Higher Self to heal us of what we thought the harm was done to us. Forgiveness returns us to our full power so we move forward on our ever present journey. Disappearing suspicions, diminishing mistrust so our creativity and flow and we can hear the music of life and dance to it. We are ready and available and deal with what there is to deal with to be our best spiritual selves.